
RESOURCE approach


Stakeholder engagement (WP1)
Mapping – Engagement strategy. Co-create RESOURCE solution, through workshops and Experts committees
Circular project preparation (WP2)


Benchmarks and workshops with other territories (WP4)

Communication, dissemination and exploitation (WP5)

RESOURCE approach

Pilot and Deploy

Ensure the financing of the pilot Circular

Economy projects (WP3)

Maximize impacts (WP5)


Creation of a permanent regional expert committee to scout and select CE projects (WP1)
One-stop-shop for project support (WP2)
Coordination to accelerate overall transition


The methodology, that will be developed for the RESOURCE project, will ensure the sustainability of those circular economy projects by potentially completing their private funding, with other sources of financing (European, national, regional public funds).

The RESOURCE methodology consists of seven steps: