Next training workshops information
The following sessions of ANCES Academy are planned for the second part of 2023:
- 15th of September, 2023. Theme: 3D Engineering. Lead by Jorge Zurita (3DZings, SL)
- 20th of October, 2023. Theme: High Impact Enterprise Creation. Lead by Maria Sanz (CEEI Navarra)
- 17th of November, 2023. Theme: Social Entrepreneurship ecosystems. Lead by: Francisco Pizarro (Fundecyt)
- 15th of December, 2023. Theme: MVPs prototyping with NOCODE tools. Lead by Guillermo Irure (CEEI Navarra)
The sessions will be opened to RESOURCE partners’ pilots representantives, etc., together with technical staff and other staff in ANCES.
The information for registering will be sent before every session, one month before.