In recent weeks, EBN began a series of RESOURCE Best Practice Knowledge Sharing Sessions, an initiative aimed at inspiring RESOURCE design methodologies. These sessions, scheduled to continue in the upcoming weeks, have already proven to be full of valuable insights and expertise.

EBN has organized these sessions to delve deeply into the best practices of various stakeholders, including BSOs (business support organizations), CCRI projects, startups, SMEs, and regional organizations. The mix of participants, from circular economy experts to project managers and enthusiastic entrepreneurs, has contributed to the richness of discussions and idea exchange.

Covering an extensive spectrum of topics or pillars, the sessions covered capacity-building programs, investment accessibility, environmental assessments, and the utilization of frameworks and tools tailored specifically for circular economy initiatives. The presentations were engaging, fostering collaborative discussions that enabled participants to gather comprehensive insights into the industry’s activities, challenges, emerging trends, and best practices.

The interactive nature of these sessions wasn’t just limited to discussions—it served as a catalyst for networking opportunities. Participants seized the chance to forge meaningful connections that go beyond the sessions, setting the stage for potential collaborations that extend far beyond the scope of these enlightening sessions. Some of the participants were:

  • Apostolos Tsolakis from Q-Plan in Greece presenting The Pop-Machina Circular Maker Accelerator (PCMA) programme.
  • Jessica Hajjar from Berytech, Lebanon presenting the GIMED and StandUp ENI CBC projects
  • Maya Karkour presenting the EcoSwith Coalition of Lebanon
  • Lukas Jasiunas from Ecorbio, a startup in Cyprus
  • Elisa Gambuzzi from Cetenma presenting the HOOP CCRI project
  • Malen Otero from ICLEI presenting the Circular Invest CCRI project